Heard is a service that is evolved and has cleared path for customers to reach out to multiple restaurants directly from a single platform.
Not only that but Heard also focuses on B2B user experience, eliminating third party vendors and reduces the time consumed on each order. Giving growth opportunities to restaurant in terms of better service and recognition.
What I drived from the brand idea
Heard - a slang term mostly used by chefs in the kitchen, meaning that they have “Heard” the order and are now preparing food. We want our users to know that we are available to hear them out.
Friendly yet Elegant, Modern yet Nostalgic.
We are on top of the bar - not on red, not on yellow, we are green. Heard itself is not a restaurant but a catalyst for all of them, hence we depict the smooth delivery and delightful experience at both ends.
Taking a look at other brands and designs that has had a similar task to ours, to help out our logo journey.
Concept Development
After the first conversation with the client, we listed down some key elements for the logo. We finalised that we want the following two things in the logo.
What we explored
Our journey led us to creating a fine balance between each element of the logo that includes the concept of Heard ( as used by chefs ), element of communicating with the masses, representing itself as a power source and gives the feeling that it is here for us as users.
We heard you and with our software your order is created without the third party vendors. Hence it is quicker and faster.