The Journey of the Hood
A series of illustration meticulously crafted for a brand dedicated to guiding people through their personal journeys. These visuals were created as immersive levels, inviting users to embark on a transformative adventure. Each level consisted of tasks and exercises, designed to seamlessly align with their unique mental states. It's more than just art. It's a narrative woven with care, offering a clear path to understanding and healing.
Level 1:
In the "Origin" illustration, you find yourself at the foot of a mountain, signifying your readiness to confront your troubles. It represents the pivotal step of acknowledging your need for help. Think of it as a bustling gathering place, a hub where everyone unites before embarking on their unique paths. Multiple doors await, each leading to a different solution. You select a path that resonates with your needs, setting the stage for your exploration.
Level 2:
In the "Explore" illustration, you've chosen your path and ventured into it. Imagine a dense, dark forest, barely illuminated except for the guiding light you hold. This light embodies your determination and knowledge. As you progress, obstacles emerge—challenges that mirror your mental blocks. You confront these challenges head-on, using your inner strength to navigate through. Every hurdle you overcome leads you closer to the next door, guiding you toward understanding and growth.
Level 3:
"Detach" signifies the final stage of your journey, the moment of letting go. Picture a path along a coastline, waves crashing heavily against it. This symbolizes the difficulty of releasing what has been a part of you. You've learned what you need to do, and now it's time to move forward. Crossing this path represents your choice to let go of the past, even though it might seem daunting. By taking this step, you break free from what held you back, embracing a future unburdened by your past struggles.